All about brows

Eyebrow styles


Neat hairstrokes placed through the whole eyebrow to give the most "natural" look, blended with light shading if needed.

Great for clients lacking natural brow hair, who want a very subtle result. Best for clients who don’t like lots of definition, or who aren’t used to filling in their brows daily.


Hairstrokes that vary in length are placed through the whole brow, in addition to some shading to blend everything together.

Great for those who like a slightly thicker, fuller result, who want their brows to look whispy and brushed up / laminated.


Neat hairstrokes at the start of the brow that all stop at the same height, blended into shading to give definition and contour. Shading can be soft or bold depending on desired result.

Great for those who like a neat, defined look. Better for clients who are used to filling their brows in daily, and want their brows to look somewhere between natural & lightly filled in.


Whispy hairstrokes that vary in length are placed at the start of the brow, blended into shading to still give some definition. Shading can be soft or bold depending on desired result.

Great for those who like definition but also want some fluffy elements to their brows. Good for clients with lots of natural brow hair so everything can blend together.

Unfortunately, the style you want may not work for your skin type, and this is based on healed, long term results - not immediate fresh results. Each of these styles works best for different clients, based on factors such as skin type / skin health / age & lifestyle / the thickness of your brow hair & where it grows. This will be discussed & recommendations will be made before you're booked in.


Again, the colour you want may not work for your skin type and skin tone. The ink colour is chosen based on your natural hair colour AND your skin type / skin tone. The reason why this is so important, is because the ink is going to heal underneath your skin. Cool, thick skin NEEDS a warm colour, so once healed, the result will neutralise rather than turn too cool (leading to grey / blue / purple eyebrows). All colours will look warm straight after being tattooed, due to skin irritation and the long term heal in mind.


Semi-permanent means it will fade over time, & that if you want to keep your brows looking vibrant, top up appointments will be needed to maintain them. Semi-permanent DOES NOT mean it will 100% fade away - this is still a tattoo. The main difference is the inks are cosmetic & have been formulated to allow them to break down over time (over the years this ages better & allows for changes) so are made slightly differently to body ink. You may always be left with remnants of ink under your skin, even 10 years from now. Everyone's bodies will process the ink differently, as well as your lifestyle affecting the longevity of the tattoo.


There is no difference in the permanency of microbladed or machine tattooed eyebrows, when done correctly for the right skin type. They're just different ways of implanting the ink into the skin, with each technique being better for different skin types. I don’t like my clients to get too caught up in the terminology, as I will use the technique that works best for your skin and the brow style we choose to do for you.

Microblading is a manual technique - like a scratch to the skin. Most clients actually find microblading “sharper” feeling than machine. Machine technique is more versatile (in my opinion) and works on a wider range of skin types, including cover ups.

Regardless of technique, because your face is naturally oilier, is exposed to the sun, pollution, cleansing products, make up etc more than other parts of the body you would have tattooed, two sessions spaced 6 - 8 weeks apart are needed for best healed results. Some clients, especially those who; use sunbeds, sunbathe, don’t use sun protection, have sun damaged skin, have oily skin, smoke, sweat a lot (from exercise, saunas etc), have a fast metabolism, use chemical peels or anti aging products or harsh acids/exfoliants, may need more than 1 touch up session to achieve their desired results.


  • A patch test is necessary to ensure that you're not allergic to the products that will be used on/in your skin. Everyone is required to do a patch test.

    If you're aware that you may be at risk of having a reaction to the products used, please be extra careful to ensure you carry out a patch test before your appointment.

    Please understand that there are sometimes traces of nickel in some needles and that this may affect you if you have an allergy.

    The patch test may not always confirm or determine conclusively if you have an allergy or whether you'll have a reaction to the products used, but they are rare.

  • Please allow 3 - 3.5 hours for your first appointment. Each appointment varies customer to customer. Your top up appointment will usually be around 2 hours but this will depend on how well your skin has retained the ink the first time.

  • ​If your skin is sensitive in general or on the day of the treatment, you may experience redness or slight swelling around your brows after the service. This should settle within a few hours. It’s normal for some clients to be more sensitive than others.

  • Yes! We will talk though what you like / don’t like prior, and I'll map out brows that suit your face by using your facial features and where your natural brow hair is.

    We can adjust things before any tattooing is done, but there is a limit to what can be achieved based on bone structure / muscle movement etc.

    Once we are both happy with the mapping, we will begin.

  • No! This is an enhancement to what you've got. There's no need to remove any hairs unless they're outside of the desired shape.​

  • Yes, you can wear make up to your appointment, but I will have to remove anything on / around the brow area whilst doing the tattooing.

    Feel free to wear brow make up if you’d like to show me how you’re used to wearing your brows (if applicable).

    After the service is over, you may reapply makeup around your brows but NOT on top of or touching the treated area. You risk infection by doing this. Please keep this in mind if you're planning on having your service before an important event, day out, night out etc.

  • Everyone is different and you will feel the service differently to others. It's still a tattoo at the end of the day so won't be totally painless. Some customers feel nothing at all, whilst others may feel a light scratching or stinging feeling. Most clients have been pleasantly surprised at how little they felt. Numbing gel is used (once the skin is broken) to minimise the discomfort you may feel. After your service, there is no pain, but the area may feel a little tight, stingy or tender as the brows start to heal. The tightness should only last a couple of days.

  • The initial healing period where extra care is needed is generally 7 days. Some clients may heal quicker, some may heal slower. During this first 7 days, your skin is closing over, and the ink is settling into your skin. After this time, you can resume normal daily activities (full face washing, exercising, wearing full make up etc). Your eyebrows will heal faster if you are good at following the aftercare guidance during the first week after your service. The full healing time to see the finished results (before your top up) is 4 - 6 weeks.

  • Immediately after your treatment, the brow area may be red, tender, and feeling slightly tight. Your eyebrows will look darker than they are going to heal. Over the next 4 - 6 weeks, your eyebrow colour will fade around 50% as your skin heals over it. Your brows will never look as dark and bold as they do when they are fresh, as it’s natural to lose a bit of ink during the healing process, and also because as your skin heals, you will be seeing the ink through a layer of healed skin rather than in open skin.

    It is important to wait until your eyebrows are properly healed before making a judgement about them, as the colour and hairstrokes will only truly appear after they have healed fully, after both your initial appointment AND 6 week top up appointment.

  • Don't worry, this is normal. Your skin is healing and itching may occur. As with any wound, a covering (such as a film or a scab) will develop to protect it from infection. This will then come away once the skin underneath is intact. It is important to not scratch at your eyebrows or pick any of the film off, as this can pull ink from the skin leading to missing patches.

    If your eyebrows are kept clean and dry then only a thin film (not a scab) will appear at around days 4-5, which will then peel off by itself around days 6-8.

    Let the area heal naturally for best results!

  • It's important to keep your brows dry (apart from the provided cleaning solutions) for the first 7 days after your appointment because water / sweat / moisture left to sit on top of your fresh brows will prevent the wound from drying out which can delay healing (increasing your chance of infection), and can also cause scabbing (instead of a thin film).

    Once your brows have a film on them, we want to prevent soaking the film as we don’t want this to come away prematurely. The film is there to protect your healing skin.

    You can still wash your face and hair, you just need to be careful to not soak your brows or let the water run down your face in the shower.

    I usually advise to continue your normal face-washing from the eyes downwards, but just be more cautious with your forehead and brows for that 1st week after your appointment.

  • This is likely due to improper aftercare during the early healing stage, excess water / sweat coming into contact with them, too much balm being used, or an oilier skin type which is naturally prone to producing more lymph fluid.

    During the first few hours after your appointment, lymph fluid should be blotted off your brows with a dry tissue to prevent it drying and developing into a scab.

    I do not recommend using any moisturiser or balm for the first 48 hours to allow your brows to dry out before adding extra moisture.

    If a scab does develop, it is important not to scratch the scab off as this could cause a scar and / or loss of pigment.

    Don't overcompensate by using more moisturiser - that will make the scab worse. Don't worry - we can make corrections at your follow up appointment.

  • During the healing process and after the film has come off, it may seem as though some of the hairstrokes / ink has lightened too much or disappeared from parts of your brows. Why? After your film has come away,  your new healing skin is covering the ink and is what's making them look lighter. You will notice that as you get closer to weeks 5-6, as your healing skin settles down, a bit of colour and definition will come back through (we call this blooming).

    Hairstrokes are particularly delicate, and most clients need these going over 2x to get the best healed result. Particularly if you have very sparse areas of brow that need blending into denser parts of brow.

    It's normal to lose intensity to the colour compared to when freshly done, as you’re not seeing the ink in open skin anymore.

    Any lighter areas are addressed at the follow up appointment, and is what the second appointment is for. Think of it like painting a wall… the first layer can be a bit weak and patchy, and the second layer is more consistent and blended.

    Cosmetic tattooing is generally softer and less solid than a body tattoo as we are trying to keep it lighter and more natural. Cosmetic tattooing won’t replace make up for every client, especially if you like a strong look.

    Specially formulated cosmetic inks that can break down over time are used, as over the years this ages better and allows for changes. This, combined with the fact that faces are generally oilier than other parts of the body, and that faces are usually more exposed to UV rays, environmental pollutants, products such as make up, cleansers & exfoliants, is why top ups are required over the years.

    Your brows NEED to be somewhat faded and imperfect to require a touch up. Adding ink ontop of ink ontop of ink that hasn’t had chance to properly break down, leads to ugly long term results. We want your brows to be able to break down over time to keep the results looking soft.


Eyebrow tattoo restrictions & pre care info

There are certain things which will restrict when or if you can have an eyebrow tattoo done. Please read the information below and get in touch if you need any help.​

​​ If you are under 18 years old.

 If you are a haemophiliac.

 If you are pregnant or breast feeding.

 If you are prone to hypo/hyper pigmentation.

 If you have a problem with healing or have a tendency to keloid scar.

 If you have an active skin irritation / sunburn or flare up of eczema / rosacea / acne etc. in the area to be tattooed.

 ​If you are taking any blood thinning substances - medications, Omega 3 fish oil, Vitamin E supplements.​

 If you are diabetic or have high blood pressure which is not under control. (a doctors note may still be required).

 ​If you're unable to take a break from sweaty / wet / high impact exercise for 7 - 10 days.

You CAN’T have the service done if…

You can have the service but must WAIT…

 4 weeks - if you've had Botox, filler or similar treatments around the area, or a chemical peel / intense skin treatment.

 1 year - if you've been prescribed Accutane, Isotretinoin, or other strong retinoids.

 Until medically cleared - if you've undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Swimming / spa days / nights out / weddings - you are better waiting until after these events or making sure you have 2-4 weeks to properly heal before these sorts of events so your plans aren't spoiled and so you can follow the aftercare properly.

Holidays to hot, sunny places - you are better waiting until after these events or making sure you have 2-4 weeks to properly heal before your holiday. This will mean you can wear sun cream and enjoy the pool without worrying. Please wear a high factor sun cream to protect your skin and cosmetic tattooing! Regardless of sun protection, excessive UV/sun exposure will result in ashy (grey) brows) and cause premature fading.

 Day of service: Do not consume alcohol, coffee or energy drinks.

 24 hours of service: Do not cosume alcohol, aspirin or ibuprofen.

 1 week of service: Do not consume any blood thinning supplements such as fish oil or vitamin E. Do not pluck or wax your brows.

 2 weeks of service: Do not sunbathe or use tanning beds.

 2-3 weeks of service: Discontinue the use or retinoids and exfoliating acids.

Before your service, please…

 You could wash your hair before your appointment to decrease the risk of soaking your brows during the first few days post service.

 You could gently exfoliate your brow area a day or two before your appointment to remove any dry skin / product build up.

 Clients with oily skin should use distilled witch hazel to cleanse the brow area for 1 week before the treatment.

 If your brow hair is lighter than the colour you’d like, please tint your brows at least 1 week before your appointment.

It would be helpful if…

​Your skin type & it's condition (dry / oily / combination ... textured, scarred, sun damaged) - your skin will effect the results.

Your natural brow hair - the amount of hair you have and the coarseness of it may effect the style we can go for.

Existing cosmetic tattooing - some previous work can be covered but removal may be needed.

Lifestyle choices that can affect long term results - for example tanning beds or frequent intense exercising. 

Skin care - retinols, anti aging creams, chemical peels, harsh exfoliants or cleansers are all designed to alter or strip the skin faster hence having an affect on your tattoo!

Frequent medications / antibiotics - some medications will affect retention (such as accutane).

Allergies to tattoo ink, make up, nickel, numbing creams etc. - a patch test is provided but may not be conclusive. 

Other appointments such as lashes / filler / botox - due to cross contamination, please allow some healing time before going to these appointments after your service. With botox / filler, there is a timeframe for the product to settle in the skin.

​Reasons for premature fading - Tanning beds & sunbathing or excessive exposure to UV rays / Not using sun protection / Frequent vigorous exercising & sweating / Oily skin / Smoking / Chemical peels or other stripping facials / Excessive exfoliation or harsh cleansers / Anti aging products and retinols / Other daily medications or antibiotics.

Other things to consider before deciding to get your brows tattooed…