Check out my own eyebrow healing by clicking here
DAY OF SERVICE: Expect your brows to feel tight & tender, similar to sunburn. The colour will be warmer (more red / orange) than when healed. This is partly due to irritation, partly due to us not wanting the colour to turn too ashy over time. Your skin will heal over your tattoo and neutralise this warmth.
DAYS 2 - 5: Your brows will look darker as the thin protective film starts to develop (more like dry skin or sunburn peel, not a thick scab). They will not heal this colour so do not panic if they feel too dark! The film will stay intact for a few days and will start cracking / flaking away when the skin underneath is ready. Leave the film alone. Trim it if necessary. Picking will cause irritation, possible scarring and patchy results.
DAYS 6 - 7: The film will lift by itself, usually in small thin flakes. It can feel slightly itchy due to the skin healing - try not to scratch as this will pull the film prematurely.
DAYS 8 - 14: Once the film has fully lifted, your eyebrows will look lighter and thinner. Hairstrokes in particular can look a lot softer than when freshly done. Your brows currently have a layer of healing skin over them which will be masking what you can see.
FILM LIFTED: Although you will feel as though your brows are healed at this point, they’re not quite there yet. Please continue to treat the area with care & be more gentle for the next 4 weeks, as your skin is still regenerating & needs time to fully heal and repair.
WEEKS 4 - 6: As your healing skin settles you should notice the colour ‘blooming’ and some definition returning. The colour will probably still feel a bit lighter than desired, as you were used to having such dark brows for that first week, but this is what the top up is for. If you liked your brows when you left the first appointment (shape, colour, style etc.), we will do the exact same thing again at your touch up. It’s always easier to add more ink and go darker at the top up!
AFTER TOP UP: The ink holds better as we are building on top of that first layer. Your brows won’t fade as much & will feel & look healed quicker than the first time round. You may go through a quicker healing process but will need to follow the aftercare again.
Healing is specific to each client and it’s important to realise that you’ll need a colour boost every 12 / 18 / 24 months to maintain the vibrancy of your eyebrows, depending on your skin type and lifestyle. Permanent makeup is an art, not an exact science, and is an enhancement to your natural brows. Your results will vary and brow products may still be needed, especially when wearing other make up. This is not necessarily a no maintenance treatment, but a low maintenance treatment. No two sides of the face are the same or perfectly symmetrical and whilst trying to obtain perfect symmetry and balance is my goal, nothing is guaranteed or 100% perfect.
CLEANING ROUTINE (aftercare kit provided)
Dry blot your brows every 10-15 mins to absorb lymph fluid, to prevent it drying on your brows creating a thicker film/scab. Clients with oilier skin / large pores will produce more lymph.
Clean using the green soap provided. Dampen a cotton pad with green soap and gently blot / pat through your brows 2 – 3 times. Make sure to gently press your skin. This should take 5 - 10 seconds per brow. Dry blot any remaining foam off.
DAYS 2 – 7 (AM & PM)
Continue with green soap routine 2x a day. This will clean the area & naturally lift loose film.
After cleaning, let your brows air dry for a few mins. Apply a grain of rice sized amount of balm by lightly patting through each brow with your little finger. Do not overuse as this will suffocate the tattoo, prolong the healing & create scabs.
✦ 7 days Keep your brows clean & dry to prevent a thick scab forming.
✦ 7 days Avoid direct shower water on your face, steamy baths & showers, saunas, steam rooms & pools.
✦ 7 days Avoid intense sweaty exercise (gentle exercising is okay after 3-4 days).
✦ 14 days Avoid direct sun exposure (such as sunbathing and tanning beds).
✦ 1-3 days Sleep on your front for the first few days to stop your fresh brows rubbing on your pillowcase.
✦ 7 days Pick at or scratch your eyebrows – this will cause irritation, loss of pigment & possible infection.
✦ 7 days Use makeup, cleansers, lotions (other than provided) on / close to your brows to avoid irritation & CC.
✦ 14 days Have facials, lash extensions, brow tinting or other similar treatments to avoid irritation & CC.
✦ 28+ days Use sunbeds, chem peels or any strong product (unless eyes down) as your skin isn’t healed enough.
✦ Wear daily SPF to protect your brows, and a higher one when on sunny holidays.
✦ If sunbathing / using tanning beds, keep your eyebrows covered. UV exposure leads to premature fading & ashing.
✦ Avoid products that increase cell turnover on / close to your eyebrows as this fades ink prematurely (anti-aging creams, chemical peels, acids or retinols etc.)