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DAY OF SERVICE: It’s normal for your lips to feel puffy, tight, tender or similar to sunburn. Your lips will most likely be swollen & possibly lightly bruised as lips are a very vascular area. Swelling goes down within hours, and bruising will fade over a few days. The overall look will feel more 'lipstick-y' than the healed result, as we are seeing a fresh tattoo not yet healed.

DAY 2: The swelling should have gone by now, and the colour will look darker / more intense because of this - they will not heal this colour. Your lips will feel tighter, drier and possibly chapped, but this is just the film protecting your healing lip skin. Leave the film alone – picking or biting it will cause irritation, can cause scarring and will lift colour from the skin resulting in unevenness and blank spots. Over the course of the day, your lips may start to feel grainy, as small bits of film are getting ready to peel away.

DAYS 3 - 5: The film will start flaking off, and may not exfoliate away evenly. Try not to scratch, pull or bite the film off prematurely.

DAYS 6 - 14: Once the film has fully lifted, the ink implanted can look around 50% lighter, and may be slightly towards the middle as this area gets more ‘wear and tear’ (eating, drinking, teeth brushing etc). Your lips will probably still feel dehydrated at this stage, so it's important to keep moisturising them.

Although you will feel as though your lips are healed at this point, they’re not quite there yet. Please continue to treat the area with care & be more gentle for the next 4+ weeks, as your skin is still regenerating & needs time to fully heal and repair. 

WEEKS 4 - 6: As your healing skin settles down you should notice the colour blooming and some definition around the edges returning. The colour will probably still feel a little light as you were used to having such dark lips for the first few days, but this is what the top up is for. If you liked your lips when you left the first appointment (shape, colour, style etc.), we will do the exact same thing again at your touch up. It’s always easier to add more ink and go darker at the top up, than it is to reverse going too dark or bright at your first session. 

AFTER TOP UP: The ink usually holds better as we are building on top of that first layer. Your lips won’t fade as much and may heal quicker or easier than the first time.

Healing is specific to each client and it’s important to realise that you’ll need a colour boost every 12 / 18 / 24 / 36 months to maintain the vibrancy of your lips, depending on your skin type and lifestyle. Permanent makeup is an art, not an exact science, and is an enhancement to your natural lips. Your results will vary and lip products may still be needed, especially when wearing other make up. This is not necessarily a no maintenance treatment, but a low maintenance treatment. No two sides of the face are the same or perfectly symmetrical and whilst trying to obtain perfect symmetry and balance is my goal, nothing is guaranteed or 100% perfect.


CLEANING ROUTINE (aftercare kit provided)

• Gently blot your lips with a saline wipe whenever you notice any lymph fluid - this will look like little clear droplets.
• Throughout the day, blot your lips whenever you drink/ eat to remove residue.
• Throughout the day, apply balm (little & often) whenever your lips feel dry. Wait for them to feel dry before you apply more.
• Before bed, blot your lips with a saline wipe.

DAYS 2 - 5
• Morning and evening, gently blot your lips with a saline wipe.
• Whenever you eat or drink, make sure you aren't leaving any residue on your lips.
• Throughout the day, apply balm (little & often) whenever your lips feel dry. Wait for them to feel dry before you apply more.

​Your lips may stay slightly dry or tight for a few weeks, but keeping hydrated & keeping them moisturised will reduce this.

✦ Use an icepack (wrapped in something clean) or take ibuprofen if your lips feel swollen and there is bruising present.
✦ Use a straw whist drinking and avoid salty or spicy food if your lips feel tender for the first few days.
✦ Keep your lips clean and dry, but lightly moisturised, for the first 5 days (minimum).
✦ Avoid shower water running directly over your face for the first 5 days.
✦ Avoid steamy baths & showers, saunas, steam rooms & swimming pools for the first 5 days.
​✦ Avoid intense sweaty exercise for 5 days.
​✦ Avoid direct sun exposure for 2 weeks.

✦ Bite, peel, lick or scratch your lips.
✦ Put lip liner, lipstick, lip gloss, cleansers, lotions (other than provided) on or close to your lips whilst they’re healing to avoid irritation & cross contamination.
✦ Have facials or other face beauty treatments done for 1 week to avoid irritation & cross contamination.
✦ Have lip fillers or use sunbeds, chemical peels or any strong face treatment (near your lips) for 4 weeks as your skin will not be healed enough.

✦ Make sure you wear a daily SPF lipbalm to protect your lips, and a higher one when on holiday.
✦ If sunbathing or using tanning beds, please keep your lips covered - UV exposure leads to faded, patchy lips.
✦ Do not use anti-aging creams, chemical peels, acids or retinols on or close to your lips ever!